Closest Supplements to Steroids

Are You Considering Steroids? Why Not Try a Legal Alternative

Looking for the closest supplements to steroids, in this article, we will tell you about D-Bal, Testo-Max, Decaduro, Winsol, and Anvarol which are the closest thing to steroids you will find.  Learn how these can help men and women lose body fat, increase strength and gain lean muscle without taking anabolic steroids.

If you don't know much about bodybuilding, you may not know that many bodybuilders use anabolic steroids in order to gain massive amounts of muscle.

Over the last decade, we have seen steroids use skyrocket and unfortunately, we see more deaths due to the abuse of these substances.

It is common for both men and women to use steroids to enhance their performance and gain muscle. Even fitness models have jumped on the steroid bandwagon and use them in order to sculpt their physique.

We don't condone steroid use and for this reason, we believe that there are ways that men and women can get into shape without putting chemicals into their bodies.


If you have considered taking steroids, you may want to think twice about your decision.

Some of you may already be aware of the side effects steroids can cause, long term use can cause severe health problems that can lead to heart problems, kidney failure, and liver damage.

What if I were to tell you that there are supplements that come close to offering similar benefits that steroids can.

Believe it or not, these do exist!

You are probably asking yourself, why people don't talk more about these supplements?

The main reason is that legal steroids take longer to work and most people want instant results.

In the days of old school bodybuilding, anyone who was serious about lifting knew that gaining muscle took time and lots of hours of training and eating right.

This is not to say that bodybuilders did not take steroids, because they did, many of them only took them 12 weeks before a major competition.

If you look at some of the old photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane before a competition both had full muscles with a lot of definition, after competing they would lose some weight because they would stop taking steroids.

It seems today most bodybuilders take steroids all year round which is dangerous.

Over time it can take a toll on the body which is why in recent years many bodybuilders have died.

When trying to find supplements that are similar to steroids it can be tough finding them, over the last several years there have been formulations that contain potent ingredients making them the closest supplements to steroids.

The formulas are not easy to make and even though they are potent, they don't work as fast as anabolic steroids, however, the benefit is that they do work and best of all there are no side effects.

Most of these supplements that I will discuss in my article are not found at your average GNC store and just like steroids you have to buy them online from the official website.

The closest supplements to steroids on my list are the ones that I have been using for many years and my results have been very good.

The one thing I should point out is that just like anabolic steroids they work best when you cycle them, preferably two months on, and then suspend them for a few weeks, this ensures that your body does not build up a tolerance.

What Are the Closest Supplements to Steroids?

Testo-Max (Testosterone)

Testosterone is probably the most consumed anabolic steroid, in fact, most steroids produced are all derivatives of the male hormone testosterone.

Testo-Max is a safe testosterone alternative to help men increase strength and gain muscle.


How Testo-Max Works

The main ingredient is Testo-Max is d-aspartic acid, a potent amino acid that helps increase testosterone production. D-aspartic acid stimulates the luteinizing hormone causing your body to naturally produce more testosterone.

TestoMax contains a whopping 2352mg of d-aspartic acid which is more than any other brand on the market with the exception of.

Click here to see how Testo-Max compares with other brands.

Testo-Max works fast to not only restore testosterone levels it is one of the closest things you can get to taking anabolic testosterone.

D-Bal (Dianabol)

D-Bal is the closest thing you can get to real Dianabol, this anabolic alternative packs a punch and is one of the best selling supplements you will find for increasing muscle and gaining strength.

The formula in D-Bal contains several ingredients that help you gain muscle fast, if you are a natural bodybuilder or just want to gain some extra this is the formula for you. D-Bal is packed with potent nutrients that include Suma Root Concentrated Extract 2:1, Ashwagandha, and Tribulus Terrestris.  It also contains Vitamin D3 and magnesium to help you maintain a strong and healthy immune system.


How D-Bal Works?

The Suma Root and Tribulus Terrestris are essential nutrients your body needs in order to help increase testosterone, the more testosterone your body produces the easier it is for you to gain muscle and increase strength, most men will notice strength gains after the very first week that they begin taking D-Bal, you should begin to notice muscle gains in just a few weeks.

While D-Bal is mostly used by men women can also use this formula if they want to increase muscle.

Decaduro (Deca Durabolin)

The main reason bodybuilders would want to consider this anabolic alternative is for the purpose of gaining brute strength, if you have reached a strength plateau and are struggling to get past that 135 or 225 max bench, Decaduro will help you bust through that plateau.

Decaduro's formula contains ingredients to help boost endurance and brute strength, some of the ingredients you will find in Decaduro include Panax ginseng which has been shown in studies to help improve muscle recruitment, and speeds up muscle recovery. Other ingredients include l-arginine which boosts nitric oxide production, Tribulus Terrestris and Acetyl-L-Carnitine.


How Decaduro works?

Nitrogen is a primary building block of protein, Decaduro helps your muscles retain more nitrogen which means your body uses protein more efficiently. It also increases blood and oxygen into the muscles giving you insane pumps increased endurance so you can train harder.

Decaduro is recommended for men but we don't recommend this steroid alternative for women.

Winsol (Winstrol)

If it's one steroid that is well known by its name it's Winstrol.

Winstrol has been the go-to steroid for performance athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness models, why? Because it's versatile and it can be used to eliminate body fat, water weight, and increase strength.

Crazy Bulk Winsol offers men and women a safe Winstrol alternative that can be used safely to increase strength and lean muscle.

Women can stand to gain as much from this steroid alternative as men can.

Winsol (Winstrol)

The reason Winsol is the steroid of choice for athletes and bodybuilders is that it gives them more strength and power than ever. Many times the one thing that prevents you from getting a lean and sculpted body is water retention, during a cutting cycle, the main goal should be to maintain muscle while eliminating body fat, and Winsol does exactly that.

How does Winsol work

Winsol works by promoting nitrogen retention in the muscles and speeds up recovery time, it also helps incinerate body fat while maintaining lean muscle.

Winsol will give you harder, stronger muscles with more definition.

Winsol can be safely used by men and women over the age of 18.

Anvarol (Anavar)

The steroid Anavar is touted as a female-friendly steroid, while there is some truth to this, it's not very safe.

The reason Anavar is considered female-friendly is that it's an anabolic steroid that has the least amount of side effects.

The biggest problem with Anavar is the side effects it may cause, they are usually only mild if Anavar is taken in low doses, higher doses can cause virilizing effects in women, side effects may include an enlarged clitoris, male pattern baldness, and a deep voice.

Anvarol (Anavar)

How Anvarol works

Anvarol promotes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) this substance gives your muscles plenty of energy which is needed in order to contract, the problem is your muscles generally only contain enough ATP for a few seconds.

For contact muscle contractions during your workouts, your muscles require more ATP, phosphocreatine supplies this need and allows for a burst of energy your muscles need allowing you to train hard with intensity.

Crazy Bulk's Anvarol naturally increases phosphocreatine delivering consistent amounts to your muscles.

Anvarol can be used by both men and women during cutting cycles or when you need to eliminate body fat while maintaining lean muscle.

Stacking these supplements

Stacking may be a new term for many, however, in the steroid world, the term stacking means taking one or more steroids for better results.

These supplements are similar to steroids in the sense that they can also be stacked together, in fact, these steroid alternatives are sold in pre-bundled stacks which can be used for cutting, bulking, and strength.

There is also a special female cutting stack made just for women.

How effective are these steroid alternatives?

I have personally used each one of these supplements and have used them individually and I have also stacked them, it takes about a week before you begin to get good results, after that you will notice both strength and muscle gains.


The one thing that most men and women notice is the insane muscle pumps and the initial strength and energy these supplements give you.

Don't take our word for it, there are many customer testimonials from men and women who have had good results, you can see plenty of before and after pictures on the official website here.



Finding the closest supplements to steroids is not that hard, the above have been offering men and women a safe alternative that delivers on their promise to help you transform your physique, burn fat, and gain muscle.