Is Sergi Constance Natural?

Who Is Sergi Constance?

Sergi Constance is an IFBB Professional athlete and one of the world’s most popular health & fitness icons.

It’s safe to say that there isn’t anyone in the bodybuilding industry that doesn’t know who the successful Spanish bodybuilder is.

Sergi has built of one of the largest followings on social media.

He has also established himself as a sponsored athlete and entrepreneur – a feat that is nothing short of impressive.

Sergi Constance Definition

All of this has been made possible because of his persistent work ethic, impressive physique and charismatic personality that continue to inspire millions of people from all over.

It’s no secret that a big chunk of his followers follow him in hopes of learning how he built his physique.

We know he’s big and shredded but, is Sergi Constance natural?

We have our theory, but before we tell you the answer, let’s take a look at everything there is to know about him and his fitness career.

Sergi Constance Stats

Surprisingly enough, there isn’t an abundance of information out there regarding the measurements of Sergi Constance.

Measurements are important because they give us an idea of the athlete’s size and proportions.

As far as Sergi’s go, most online sources stick to sharing his height and weight – but don’t mention anything about other important stats.

Sergi Constance Bodybuilding

The stats that you will see below are the only information that’s out there, at the moment.

Sergi runs a popular YouTube channel so, with any luck, he will one day do a video sharing his physique’s measurements.

Sergi Constance Measurements

  • Age: 30
  • Height: 6’1 (186 cm)
  • Weight: 225lbs (102 kg)
  • Arms: 19.5 Inches (49.5 cm)
  • Chest: 49.5 Inches (125.7 cm)
  • Waist: 34 Inches (86.3 cm)

Sergi Constance Contest History

Before joining the IFBB Pro circuit, Sergi competed in the WBFF – a bodybuilding federation with a distinct focus on modeling.

Sergi also competed and took first place at a WABBA sanctioned event; before he decided to move forward and try to join the IFBB.

He would later petition to join the IFBB Pro circuit after meeting the federation’s requirement of winning five amateur men’s physique competitions.

As a pro men’s physique competitor, he shocked everyone by winning his competitive debut at the 2017 IFBB Chicago Pro – qualifying him for that year’s Mr. Olympia.

Sergi Constance Men's Physique

At the 2017 Mr. Olympia, Sergi fell a little short and was awarded 12th place in a deep lineup.

The unexpected placing was believed to be due to the fact that he was too big for the men’s physique division.

Sergi’s disappointing finish would motivate him to switch categories and join classic physique.

As of today, Sergi Constance has not made his debut in the classic physique division.

Modeling and Acting

As it was already mentioned, Sergi Constance is one of the most recognizable fitness personalities on social media.

A lot of this is due to his diverse interests in competitive bodybuilding, modeling, and acting.

Sergi has been featured on countless bodybuilding magazine covers, such as:

  • Muscle Insider
  • Muscle & Fitness
  • Wire
  • Iron Man
  • Muscle Show

Although his acting career is still very young, he played Zeus in DC’s Justice League.

Sergi arguably has all the tools to be great actor, we can only hope that he sticks with it and follows in the steps of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Fitness Icon Status

Anyone and everyone that follows the bodybuilding and fitness industry knows who Sergi Constance is – he is just that popular.

Unlike plenty of fitness celebrities that peak and slowly fade from the public eye, Sergi has done the complete opposite.

Sergi was already insanely popular before the social media boom kicked off, several years ago.

Sergi Constance Magazine Cover

Today, thanks to the many online outlets, his popularity only continues to grow larger.

Let’s take a look at some of his social media following numbers.

Instagram: 3.9 Million

Facebook: 5 Million

YouTube: 406K

Twitter: 76K

If we do the math, we can see that he has over nine million combined followers on social media.

The numbers are crazy and far exceed those of several champion bodybuilders.

This just goes to show us how many people are interested in following his every move – in hopes of building a physique like his.

Is Sergi Constance Natural?

A small waist, massive shoulders, and insanely low body fat are just a few of Sergi’s physical trademarks.

Standing at over six foot tall and weighing a lean 225lbs, it’s only normal for people to wonder if he built his signature physique, naturally.

Sergi has never claimed to be natural and there’s no record of him ever speaking about the subject. If there is, we couldn’t find it.

Sergi Constance Gym

So, let’s take a step back and analyze things, carefully.

Sergi Constance built an impressive physique that was deemed too big for the Men’s Physique division… at the Olympia level.

It’s common knowledge that competing at the Olympia level is virtually impossible without the help of performance enhancing substances – even if the athlete possesses elite genetics.

Sergi is muscular, shredded, conditioned, and is a professional bodybuilder.

Could he really have achieved this naturally? It's rather unlikely.

Although Sergi has elite genetics and trains/diets very hard – it’s difficult to believe that he developed his physique naturally.

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